What can we know about breast?

About it, we can know:
1.  its parts,
2. its abundance,
3. its connections,
4. its sensitivities,
5. its forms,
6. its substitutes, and
7. its uses.

What else can we know about it?

 Research and list what can we know about it! 

1 comment:

  1. Breast Exterior
    The exterior of the breast reveals two of its most important parts: the nipple and areola. These two parts play their biggest roles in the primary function of the female breast: breastfeeding. According to riainvision.com's "Anatomy of the Breast," the areola, or the dark circle that surrounds the nipple, aids in the process of breastfeeding by supplying a lubricating substance for the nipple. The lubrication is released by Montgomery glands, which are often noticeable in the nursing mother and look like small raised bumps. This lubrication is important, because breastfeeding a hungry and often quite avid infant can be difficult and painful. The nipple (the part of the breast in the center of the areola from which infants suck) contains many nerves that stimulate the production of milk in the breastfeeding woman.
